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The author analyzes the theory of rent and rental relations, the practice of the functioning of the forest complex economy with an emphasis on the peculiarity of rent-institutional determinations of the national economy. The author presents a system of phased vision and holistic disclosure of the economy rental identification problem, associated with the creation and use of forest resources. The relationship «farm–society» is considered as one of the phenomena that has become a preliminary real embodiment of forest rent. The sources and some original directions of the rent mechanism of forest resource management are analyzed, which are based on the development of the socio-ecological environment through the forest rent financialization. The possible analytical components of the forests rental potential formation are determined. It is proposed to consider the economic mechanism of forest resource management in Belarus as a set of connections in the national system of forest production and reproduction through the prism of the need to position the rent determination of the economic behavior of actors. This involvesconsideration of the institutions functioning results, the practice of economic and socio-environmental costs.

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How to Cite
KASHTELYAN, K. (2020). RENTAL MECHANISM OF FOREST-RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN BELARUS: THEORY AND PRACTICE. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part D. Economic and Legal Sciences, (14), 60-69. Retrieved from
Экономика и управление
Author Biography

KASHTELYAN KASHTELYAN, Belarusian State Technological University, Minsk

канд. экон. наук, доц.


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