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The author of the article studies a transport insurance contract to get a single notion of the statutory concept and the suggestion about its legislative consolidation. So, the author answers the basic legal questions of the transport insurance contract requiring the compulsory reading and linking with the world practice; the characterizing signs of the transport insurance contracts, which are the bases of the formation of the notion are distinguished and analyzed by the author. These characterizing signs are: refundable; mutual (bilateral, synallagmatic); aleatory, not conditional; a real contract – it can be consensual or concluded, but not ongoing; urgent; joinder and mutual contracts; independent; multilateral; has complicated parties’ criteria; it can be a property insurance contract and a business risk insurance contract simultaneously. The result of the research is the author’s definition of the transport insurance contract reflected in the article.

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How to Cite
BUSEL, A. (2019). THE NOTION OF A TRANSPORT INSURANCE CONTRACT. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part D. Economic and Legal Sciences, (5), 163-166. Retrieved from
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