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The example of France examines the basic principles of civil law, including freedom and equality of persons in civil law. In the context of the topic, the legal essence of the obligation is examined. The place of freedoms and rights in civil legal relationship, as well as their significance, is determined. Attention is given to freedoms and rights in relation to economic activities and the interests of property owners. The topic is considered in the historical perspective, and the norms of laws and other normative legal acts are given. The novels of the Civil Code of France are considered. Texts of titles and chapters are given, which are supplemented by important norms. A review is made of important novels of the Civil Code, which relate to freedom and rights of subjects of civil legal relations. Conclusions are drawn concerning the research topic.

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How to Cite
BOGONENKO, V. (2018). PROTECTION FROM INEQUALITY IN CIVIL LAW: HISTORY AND MODERNITY (ON THE EXAMPLE OF FRANCE). Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part D. Economic and Legal Sciences, (5), 127-132. Retrieved from
Гражданское право
Author Biography

V. BOGONENKO, Polotsk State University

канд. юрид. наук, доц.


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