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The article deals with the issues of participation of Byelorussian foreigners in protecting the Fatherland, independence, territorial integrity, sovereignty and constitutional order of the Republic of Belarus. The forms of their participation in the protection of the Republic of Belarus can be different and can not be reduced to carrying out military service in regular military formations, but realized in economic, material, labor, legal, cultural and other spheres. The legally binding opportunity of the Belarusians abroad to take part in the defense of the Fatherland will help to eliminate certain miscalculations of Belarus’ national policy with respect to the fundamental phenomenon of real practice – the life of the diaspora, while the diaspora is an active social force capable of fulfilling political functions in defending Belarus and supporting the goals of independence. The necessity of securing in the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus the duty to protect not the state but the Fatherland is substantiated. Make a number of proposals for improving the current legislation.

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How to Cite
SKOROHOD, I. (2018). PARTICIPATION OF THE BELARUSIAN DIASPORA IN THE PROTECTION OF HOMELAND: PROSPECTS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part D. Economic and Legal Sciences, (6), 179-182. Retrieved from
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