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The concept of the state land cadastre in the Republic of Belarus, its essence and content in the legal science are considered. Legal regulation of the sustainable use of land resources is one of the priorities of the state, and optimization of the regulatory regulation of these relations, allowing to protect the rights of the subjects is also important. By analyzing the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, the author describes and classifies the main sources of the land cadastre, based on the analysis done by the author, which indicates the problems of law enforcement practice in the sphere of the land cadastre of the Republic of Belarus. The author also proposes directions for improving the system of state cadastral registration of land plots. The study shows the ways to improve the land cadastre system, but it is concluded that the legislator of the Republic of Belarus is on the right way to build a civilized real estate market, secure and guarantee property rights for real estate.

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How to Cite
KORNILOVA, N. (2017). LEGAL BASIS OF THE LAND CADASTRE IN THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part D. Economic and Legal Sciences, (6), 180-184. Retrieved from
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