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The problems of the theory of state within the philosophical and scientific approaches is considered in sociogenesis state. The relation of the subject and method is analyzed depending on the goals, tasks and scale of the state, also the specifics of the natural and hand-made processes of the state correlating in the system. The distinctions between the object and the object are examined in the study of the sociogenesis of the state. Factors directly or indirectly affecting the object-object relationship are analyzed. The spheres of knowledge are distinguished in philosophical and scientific knowledge, and their substantial difference is pointed out. It is concluded that in complex and multidisciplinary objects it is necessary to conduct research on information sources, rather than on the “subject – method” scheme using system theory, that empirical generalizations of a certain level are needed at the basis of scientific research on the theory of sociogenesis of the state.
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V. MATARAS, Belarusian State University, Minsk
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