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Recently intensively etnoeсonomy – the science of the economic behavior of the features of different ethnic groups. Given that management is an essential part of the system of social reproduction, it seems highly relevant formation and development as a key direction etnomanagement etnoeсonomy. Etnomanagement as a promising scientific field devoted to the study of various national and ethno-regional patterns of management and control systems of the reproduction process. The study of ethnic patterns of management is based on the use of methods of general systems theory, and factor analysis. Thus, the article is carried out the analysis of various national and etno-regional management models, including the Russian model of management, identify positive and negative aspects of these models and management systems, and identifies the possibility of using some of the elements of different national models of management in Russian economic conditions.

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How to Cite
PAVLOV, K. (2016). ETNOMANAGEMENT AND ETNOECONOMY: FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVE SCIENTIFIC DIRECTIONS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part D. Economic and Legal Sciences, (5), 2-11. Retrieved from
Author Biography

K. PAVLOV, Kama Institute of Humanitarian and Engineering Technologies, Izhevsk, Russia

д-р экон. наук, проф.


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