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The article is devoted to mechanisms to stimulate the development of domestic tourism in Russia. One of the main factors hindering the development of tourism in Russia is the high cost of tours and recreation in sanatoriums and resorts. An important role in ensuring the development of domestic tourism in crisis belongs to the state, developed incentive mechanisms, which should be aimed at the promotion of recreation within the country in order to increase the internal tourist flow, increasing the efficiency of use of tourism infrastructure. The necessity of reducing the cost of air travel is proved. Considered bills designed to increase domestic tourism at the expense of reducing the tax burden to entrepreneurs who buy their staff members and their families tours across Russia and the provision of tax deductions to citizens for permits in Russia. The basic directions of stimulation of increase of efficiency of use of material base of sanatoria and resorts in the off season.

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How to Cite
ZAKHAROV, K. (2016). ENCOURAGE THE DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM IN RUSSIA. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part D. Economic and Legal Sciences, (6), 72-74. Retrieved from https://journals.psu.by/economics/article/view/4027
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Author Biography

K. ZAKHAROV, Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg

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