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The list of development factors of logistic potential of the supply chain is presented in the article. It is created on the basis of the studied development factors of logistics and supply chain, development factors of the system of supply chain management and logistics systems, as well as Programs of development of industrial complex of the Republic of Belarus for the period until 2020. The proposed factors allow to prove necessity of formation of logistic chains and the possibility of effective integrated management. As the factors have been proposed: the formation of global supply chains and chains in the regional clusters, the desire of organizations to reduce total costs and time associated with the movement of goods, introduction of new logistics technologies of cargo delivery, active development of information systems and technologies support logistics and supply chain management and others.

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How to Cite
HULIAHINA, O. (2016). DEVELOPMENT FACTORS OF THE LOGISTIC POTENTIAL OF THE SUPPLY CHAIN. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part D. Economic and Legal Sciences, (13), 28-31. Retrieved from
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