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The article discusses the question of determining the substance of the asset and liability management of a commercial bank to review the management of assets and liabilities in the concept of the post-crisis period. To achieve this goal the author shows the different approaches to the definition of the process, as well as consolidated views of different authors on the goals and objectives of asset management and liability. Definition of asset and liability management has been formulated on the basis of the material analyzed, taking into account all the characteristics of the concept.

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How to Cite
ZARANOK, M. (2016). CONTENTS OF ASSET AND LIABILITY MANAGEMENT. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part D. Economic and Legal Sciences, (13), 79-82. Retrieved from
Финансы и налогообложение
Author Biography

M. ZARANOK, Belarus State Economic University, Minsk

канд. физ.-мат. наук


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