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The article studied the effect of objective processes of increasing labor market flexibility on precarization (instability, insecurity) of employment, justified modernization directions of policy flexicurity. The identified correlation between the indicators of flexicurity and precarity does not always reflect positive impact of the implementation of flexicurity, which explains the need for its transformation. Belarusian labor market shows quite distinctive mechanisms ensure the balance of social security and labor market flexibility where precarity is associated in greater degree with employment, not unemployment. Identified risks of precarity require a transformation flexicurity policy in common for all the countries areas: creation of quality jobs; setting time limits on the use of fixed-term contracts; transformation of social protection based on using non-standard forms of employment.

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How to Cite
VANKEVICH, A., & ZAITSEVA, O. (2016). FLEXICURITY CONCEPT AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION INTO PRACTICE REGULATION OF EMPLOYMENT IN THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part D. Economic and Legal Sciences, (14), 14-19. Retrieved from https://journals.psu.by/economics/article/view/4147
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Author Biography

A. VANKEVICH, Vitebsk State University of Technology

д-р экон. наук, проф.


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