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Causal relationships of events in the financial market that caused the global financial and economic crisis of 2007–2009 are examined. It is shown that the absence of a proper monetary and fiscal adjustment had led to the emergence of new financial derivatives, which significantly increased the risks in the financial market. The final link of the financial crisis was an unprecedented build-up of public debt in most countries, and in EU in particular. Because of of government decisions private debt created by financial institutions as a result of excessive pursuit of profit became public. The systematization of objects of monetary-fiscal coordination is conducted, along with analysis of its feasibility. It is shown that such coordination is an essential tool to change the state debt policy.

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DEREVKO, O. (2016). COORDINATION OF MONETARY AND FISCAL REGULATION AS A FACTOR OF STATE DEBT POLICY. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part D. Economic and Legal Sciences, (14), 81-88. Retrieved from
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