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In the article the essence of social capital as an economic resource is described. The author considers the social capital as a sum of benefits received by subjects from mutual certain information actions (as the set of the interpersonal relations reducing transaction expenses) made for mutually beneficial cooperation which is reached by information exchange and allows to receive tangible social and economic benefits. It is proved that specific feature of the social capital is that its cumulative quantity in society is not the same as the sum of “social capitals” of all social and economic subjects. The directions of strengthening of economic effect in Republic of Belarus from growth of social capacity of society and improvement of forms of its capitalization are shown.

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SOLODOVNIKOV, S. (2015). SOCIAL CAPITAL AS AN ECONOMIC RESOURCE. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part D. Economic and Legal Sciences, (5), 2-9. Retrieved from
Author Biography

S. SOLODOVNIKOV, Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk

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