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The author presents the analysis of the relations associated with the use of domain names, turns out the legal nature and essence of the relations associated with the use of domain names. Identified key characteristics of Internet addressing. Selected functional groups of the concepts of the Internet. Analyzed that the registration and use of domain names is usually on a contractual basis, which can serve as a basis for inclusion in the system of contractual rights. The question of the possible existence of exclusive rights over the domain name, as well as the question about the possibility of regulation of the domain name by the norms of property rights. It is revealed that the Internet has a significant impact on the formation of modern society, permeating all spheres of human activity due to the fact that the functioning of the Internet based on the domain name system, which is the basis of Internet addressing. Investigated the development of national legislation in the field of Internet that provides for adequate protection of the rights of Internet users. The author making a conclusion about the necessity of defining the status of domain name under this status, rights and powers of legal entities associated with the use of domain names.

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How to Cite
SIAMIONAVA Т. (2015). THE LEGAL NATURE AND ESSENCE OF THE RELATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE USE OF DOMAIN NAMES. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part D. Economic and Legal Sciences, (5), 187-191. Retrieved from
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