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Considers the theoretical aspects of the economic essence of venture business in the context of a comparative analysis of foreign approaches to its definition. Based on the theoretical analysis of the essential characteristics of venture businesses identified specific features of venture capital investment in contrast to other forms of investment, based on the author’s vision of the definition of “venture business”. Analyzed the investment and innovation environment of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of the Global Innovation Index in order to identify the extent of its readiness for venture businesses, identified strengths and weaknesses. Explained the need of development for an effective financial mechanism of the venture business in the framework of the National innovation system of Belarus. Proposed definition of venture capital, which should form the basis for a financial mechanism created by the venture business.

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How to Cite
SALAKHOVA, Y. (2015). ECONOMIC ESSENCE AND FEATURES OF VENTURE BUSINESS: PROSPECTS FOR DEVELOPMENT IN BELARUS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part D. Economic and Legal Sciences, (13), 83-87. Retrieved from
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