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The questions of underage’s legal protection are presently in the center of legal discussions both the national and an international level due to the need of the further legal regulation. Based on the analysis of regulations and scientific papers, in this paper we consider issues connected with the legal protection of minors, including those who find themselves at risk. Legal relations with minors, as well as the rules governing the legal status of the child have the specifics related to their special status. Require special attention questions of application of the judicial protection of the rights of the minor as the main form of jurisdictional protection of human rights. Scientific viewpoints on this problem in the specialized literature are studied to present theoretical findings and to formulate some proposals.

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How to Cite
SAVINA, I. (2015). ABOUT LEGAL DEFENSE OF RIGHTS FOR A CHILD IN A SOCIALLY TIGHT SQUEEZE. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part D. Economic and Legal Sciences, (13), 165-168. Retrieved from https://journals.psu.by/economics/article/view/5779
Гражданское и семейное право
Author Biography

I. SAVINA, Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, Minsk

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