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The purpose of the study is a determination of the part of clusters in the process of the regional economic complex formation. The author has revealled and motivated cluster mechanism of the regional economic complexes formation and development, which is presented in the form of schemes. The distinctive features of this mechanism are: area of its action – both in condition of the market environment, and in economy with high share of state interference; the rise of synergy effect from integrations clusters into system of social-economic relations of the region that allows not only to receive maximum profit by cluster participants, but also achieve higher level and quality of life in the region. The given scheme complements existing in economic science knowledge about mechanism of the regional subsystems formation and functioning, as parts of the national economy. Use of the advantages of cluster mechanism is possible by national and regional management bodies for forecasting of the regional development, as well as at realization of the concepts of innovation-industrial clusters shaping and development for increasing the competitiveness of the economy in regional, national and international scale.

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How to Cite
KLUNIA, V., & BALUK, S. (2015). THE ROLE OF CLUSTERS IN REGIONAL ECONOMIC COMPLEX FORMATION. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part D. Economic and Legal Sciences, (14), 21-25. Retrieved from
Экономика и управление
Author Biography

V. KLUNIA, Belarusian State University, Minsk

д-р экон. наук, проф.


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