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The article briefly describes the impact of modern global processes on the activities of companies in general and telecommunications companies in particular. A brief systematic description of contemporary models and methods for assessing the digital maturity of enterprises and a detailed description of the methodology for assessing the loyalty and trust of consumers of telecommunications services is provided. The author's model for evaluating the digital maturity of telecommunications companies, obtained by expanding the European Customer Satisfaction Index (ECSI) model, is presented. The methodology for conducting elite interviews, questioning a large number of respondents, and the features of processing such data are described. The topics of interviewing senior managers of telecommunications companies in Israel on the issues of assessing digital maturity are presented. Questions from a survey of telecommunications company users about loyalty, consumer trust, and digitalisation priorities are also given.

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How to Cite
HORVATH, J. G. (2024). ABOUT THE METHODOLOGY FOR ASSESSING THE DIGITAL MATURITY OF TELECOMMUNICATION COMPANIES. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part D. Economic and Legal Sciences, (2), 40-49. https://doi.org/10.52928/2070-1632-2024-67-2-40-49
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