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The paper investigates a relevant applied problem associated with software development for building equipment of automatic mask inspection systems and quality control topological structures in the microelectronics industry. This problem is one of key issues of design flow for equipment of automatic mask inspection systems and automatic defects detection. An original approach is proposed for selecting the sharpness function. Experiments have been conducted that confirm the effectiveness of original approach for obtaining high-quality initial images in equipment of automatic mask inspection systems using a technical vision system and, as a result, increases the percentage of yield of suitable products in microelectronics.
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S. AVAKOV, Planar JSC, Minsk
д-р техн. наук, доц.
A. VORONOV, United Institute of Informatics Problems of NAS of Belarus, Minsk
канд. техн. наук, доц.
V. GANCHENKO, United Institute of Informatics Problems of NAS of Belarus, Minsk
канд. техн. наук
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