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The genre originality of the collection by H. Walpole «Hieroglyphic tales» (1785) is considered. It’s substantiated that the short-sized works of the collection have the characteristic features of a fairy tale, which are different from other works of this genre. It is proved that the fairy tales of H. Walpole are characterized by absurdity, anachronism, grotesque, paradox, satire, surrealistic image, humor, which makes it possible to refer H. Walpole’s «Hieroglyphic tales» to the literature of the absurd, and their author – to the predecessors of surrealism.

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How to Cite
NESTSER, N. (2022). GENRE ORIGINALITY OF H. WALPOLE’S COLLECTION «HIEROGLYPHIC TALES». Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (9), 118-122. Retrieved from
Philological sciences


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