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The article deals with the creative work of Charles Simic – a famous American writer of Serbian origin. His philosophies, worldview attitudes, and ideals are revealed, his personal beliefs are exposed, and different vectors of his creative work are considered. The peculiarities of Simic’s composite national identity are determined and specific aspects of adaptation, acculturation and assimilation to American culture are shown. The ideological and thematic richness of Simic’s works which appear under the influence of contemporary reality is analyzed. Тhe affect of numerous artistic concepts on Simic’s artistic work is revealed. The author’s aesthetic principles are investigated and his experiments with intertextuality, intermediality and symbolism are exposed.

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How to Cite
PERVUSHINA, L. (2017). WORLD PERCEPTION AND AESTHETIC ATTITUDES OF CHARLES SIMIC. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (2), 71-78. Retrieved from
Author Biography

L. PERVUSHINA, Minsk State Linguistic University

канд. филол. наук, доц.


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