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The article is dedicated to detecting most productive ways of formation of occasionalisms of nouns, adjectives and verbs in modern advertising in German language; to detecting a correlation between the way of formation and the function in the advertising copy; and to discovering main subject groups of advertising copies, in which occasional formations are most frequent. Composition of two German-language stems as well as composition of German-language and English-language stems proved to be the most productive method of wordformation, shortly followed by contamination and fusion, which contribute to compression of the sense of an advertisement text. Prefixation, reflexivization and creolization were applied less actively. Nouns and adjectives demonstrated such major types of word-formation as compounding and contamination, whereas verbs demonstrated cases of fusion, prefixation, contamination and reflexivization. Advertisements of cars, home appliances, computer equipment lead in the occurrence of nonce-formations of different types.

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How to Cite
OSMOLOVSKAYA, I. (2017). TO THE QUESTION OF OCCASIONAL WORD FORMATION IN GERMAN ADVERTISING DISCOURSE. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (10), 118-124. Retrieved from
Author Biography

I. OSMOLOVSKAYA, Minsk State Linguistic University

канд. филол. наук


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