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This article deals with the peculiarities of poetry by Djordjie Nikolic (1949) – a well-known American emigrant writer of Serbian origin. The attention is drawn to the strong, conflicting forces in his poetic work: love for his Motherland and the feeling of alienation from the country of his exile, the land which remains foreign to him. These feelings are constantly present in Nikolic’s literary work and revealed on different levels in the poet’s literary legacy. This sharp contrast determines the ideological and artistic search of the author, the development of his world outlook and his perception of the world. Nikolich’s national identity as an emigrant is analyzed, the connection between the national identification and the problem of cultural and historical memory is considered, specific features of the «self» are revealed. The representation of Nikolich’s national identity in American culture is shown through the following important components: the national Serbian images of the world, the rich problem and thematic complex, intertextuality, and biblical parallels. The rich symbolism and its influence on the ideological and artistic program of the poet is considered.

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How to Cite
PERVUSHINA, L. (2016). MOTHERLAND AND EXILE IN POETRY BY DJORDJIE NIKOLIC. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (2), 124-132. Retrieved from
Author Biography

L. PERVUSHINA, Minsk State Linguistic University

канд. филол. наук, доц.


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