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The article deals with the analysis of artistic representation of J.S. Oppenheimer's image in the novella of W. Hauff, the German romanticist, who is known predominantly in the role of a stotyteller to the Russian speaking reader. The image of Suss, the Jew, is considered in the correlation with the objective historical content of the era of XVIII century and the influence of the romantic tradition on Hauff's interpretation of the image under discussion. In the novella "Jew Suss" common stereotyped perceptions about the Jewish people which were in circulation in Germany of XVIII–XIX centuries find incarnation. They reflect the image having been created in the consciousness of the majority and that was of hungry for money, cunning, dodgy, unprincipled representative of the Jewish people, standing out of the crowd by his appearance and the demeanour. The tragic fate of the Minister of Finance from Wuerttemberg and unhappy love of Gustav Lanbek, an actuary, are not narrowed down by Hauff to the destiny but are linked inextricably with the idea of the characters' free choice. To unfold the message the author uses the entire set of the artistic means-frightening omens, the motive of the play, the motive of characters' clothes changing, the symbolism of the bridge.

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How to Cite
SIAMCHONAK, L. (2016). J. S. OPPENHEIMER’S IMAGE IN THE ARTISTIC WORLD OF W. HAUFF’S NOVELLA “JEW SUSS”. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (10), 8-14. Retrieved from https://journals.psu.by/humanities/article/view/4396


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