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The article is devoted to the problem of interaction between cultures in «The Alhambra» by Washington Irving. The Spanish period of his literary activity is analyzed. The paper considers the peculiarities of Irving’s representation of Spanish history, in particular the period of Arabic expansion of Spain in VIII– XV centuries. The history of creating the book, its genre and connection with the author’s books on Spain are described. The interest of Romantic writers in the East is noted. The influence of Ginés Pérez de Hita’s work on literary process and Irving’s creative work is characterized. Special attention is paid to the character of Boabdil, Spain’s last Moorish king, in Irving’s depiction. The paper also discusses the antithesis «East – West» in the writer’s interpretation and Irving’s part in Spanish Orientalism.

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KLOS, O. (2015). THE PROBLEM OF INTERACTION BETWEEN CULTURES IN «THE ALHAMBRA» BY WASHINGTON IRVING. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (10), 50-53. Retrieved from


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