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The study aims to acknowledge the communication tactics in the advertising texts used to implement strategies in the light of Russian, English, and Arabic examples. The paper considers the concept of advertising texts and the implementation of communication strategies into advertising texts, as well as highlights the main tactics, like "minus" tactics, positive presentation tactics, slander tactics, provocation tactics, warning tactics, deflecting or rejecting criticism tactics, cooperation tactics, motivation tactics and promise tactics. The study applies the methods of contextual and content analyses of advertising texts with reference to the methods of implementing communication strategies through text analysis as well as the advertising text. Results in describing the communication tactics and the language means that realise each tactic correspondingly.

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How to Cite
MOUNIR, A. (2024). EXPLORING CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION TACTICS: A STUDY OF ADVERTISING TEXTS ON THE EXAMPLE OF RUSSIAN, ENGLISH, AND ARABIC LANGUAGES. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (2), 72-76. https://doi.org/10.52928/2070-1608-2024-70-2-72-76
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