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The article deals with the specifics of intertextuality in H. Turtledove’s «Ruled Britannia», which belongs to alternative history genre, a kind of historiographical prose. W. Shakespeare’s and K. Marlowe’s works (tragedies, comedies, historical chronicles, a poem) are identified as precedent texts. The limited number of plays used by the author is due to the time of action (1597 – 1598), while some anachronisms are still allowed. It is revealed that the main form of reception for an American writer is the use of indirect quotations (allusions / reminiscences). It is established that the marking of precedent texts is carried out by mentioning the authorship., the names of plays and actors, interspersed with suggestive details of original plots. Other intertextual elements include proverbs, references to biblical and mythological sources (names, objects, details of the plot). The fictitional fragments of the «Boudicca» and «King Philip II», written by the hero-playwright, are based on the plays by W. Shakespeare, as well as his contemporaries (T. Hughes, J. Fletcher).

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How to Cite
ALIAKSEYENKA, Y. (2024). INTERTEXTUALITY IN H. TURTLEDOVE’S «RULED BRITANNIA». Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (4), 28-32.


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