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In this research paper is investigates Biblical archetextuality in the works of B. H. Brockes (1680–1747). B.H. Brockes became the founder of a specific German “poetry of thought and nature” (Gedanken- und Naturlyrik), in which philosophical meditation is connected with concretely-sensual replication of nature. We show in Brockes’s poetry the synthesis of biblical attitude, J. Lock’s sensualism, G.W. Leibnitz’s theleology and baroque sensibility, emotionality and picturesqueness. We prove that B. H. Brockes’s poetry is a peculiar poetic theleology being based on panentheism and sensualistic rationalism, attempting to demonstrate the existence of God through sensual experience of a human, first of all through perception of nature. In so doing, the direct dialogue with the Bible plays the main role in his poetry. The Gospels are the most important archetexts in the early works of Brockes, then The Book of Psalms becomes more preferable in the middle. Psalms are present on the level of para-, inter- and architext in the main works of Brockes, being on the whole the general archetext for it. We also mark the archetextual connections of Brockes’s poetry with the Song of Solomon and the deuterocanonical Wisdom of Sirach. Above all, the poet chooses the fragments including descriptions of nature and reflections on harmonic structure of the universe created by God.

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How to Cite
SINILO, G. (2019). BIBLICAL ARCHETEXTUALITY IN THE POETRY OF B.H. BROCKES. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (2), 11-21. Retrieved from
Author Biography

G. SINILO, Belarusian State University, Minsk

канд. филол. наук, доц.


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