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The article deals with the structural peculiarities of English synthetic diminutives. The study based on the lexicographic material describes the main ways of synthetic diminutives formation and their derivational bases, as well as the relation between the ways of diminutive formation and their semantics. The similarities and differences in the lists of diminutives of Australian, New Zealand and South African varieties are also discussed. It has been found that the influence of Afrikaans led to the formation of a complex suffixal group of diminutives in South African English, which is not characteristic of other idioms. In contrast, diminutives formed by clipping and prefixal diminutives quite common in Australian and New Zealand varieties, are quite a rare find in South African English.

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CHUDAR, A. (2020). SYNTHETIC DIMINUTIVES IN AUSTRALIAN, NEW ZEALAND, AND SOUTH AFRICAN ENGLISHES: STRUCTURAL PECULIARITIES. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (2), 115-121. Retrieved from


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