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The article deals with the word-formation processes of modern German, namely the formation of adjective names in a suffixed way. The German and borrowed word formation suffixes of adjectives used in R. Schneider's novel Schlafes Bruder have been identified and analyzed. The origin and composition of German suffixes as well as the frequency in the text of the novel of adjective names formed with their help are described. The derivative morphemes identified are subdivided into suffixes, complex suffixes, and semi-suffixes. Attention is paid to the different views of Russian and foreign linguists on the problem of semis suffixes. The results of word formation analysis of adjective names with the help of the online service Canoonet (electronic corpus of the German lan-guage at the University of Basel) and etymological dictionaries are presented. It describes adjectives that are derived, complex and compound words. The etymology of some adjective names is analyzed.

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How to Cite
LOHVINAVA, I. (2020). WORD FORMATION SUFFIXES OF ADJECTIVES IN R. SCHNEIDER’S NOVEL SCHLAFES BRUDER. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (10), 132-136. Retrieved from https://journals.psu.by/humanities/article/view/815


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