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Accidents with material damage account for more than 90% of their total number, and the total losses from them exceed the losses from road traffic accidents with victims, according to expert estimates, by almost 3 times and continue to grow. An analysis of the publications of Belarusian, as well as scientists from the CIS countries (B.E. Borovsky, V.I. Vasiliev, A.V. Nozdrichev, etc.) shows that this direction insufficiently given, at least in the context of solving other problems of traffic management. Foreign scientists (G. L. Chang, H. Chen, M.M. Abbas, A. Al-Mudhaffar, D. Geyzis, R. Herman and others), although they considered the problem under study as an independent one, however, their works also lack a detailed study of it, which can be applied to the modern conditions of the Republic of Belarus. This article presents some provisions on the new theoretical and methodological foundations for determining the dilemma zone (and its types), the mechanism of conflict interaction between the leading and driven vehicles when approaching the RPK, a new methodology for determining the dilemma zone and practical recommendations for neutralizing the effect of the dilemma zone and reducing the accident rate in passing traffic.

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How to Cite
KAPSKIY, D. (2022). DEVELOPMENT OF ACTIVITIES FOR REDUCING ACCIDENTS IN FOLLOWING TRAFFIC STREAM. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part B. Industry. Applied Sciences, (10), 86-91. Retrieved from
Author Biography

D. KAPSKIY, Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk

д-р техн. наук, доц.


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