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The problem of identifying the wood using software and hardware is considered. The main methods of identifications: organoleptic methods and methods associated with the determination of the strength properties of examined objects are analyzed. The decision of this problem associated with the correct classification of tree species is proposed the classical chromaticity models RGB, CMYK, Lab, HSB that characterize wood species a particular set of parameters proposed to. For improving the accuracy of classification parameters of colour models are augmented with a parameter that takes into account the number of colours in the studied objects. It is established that of all colorimetric systems the most effective is the CMYK system, followed by the systems RGB, Lab, HSB. It has been shown that the value of correctly classified objects is depending on the chromaticity of the adopted model.

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How to Cite
ZILBERGLEIT, M., & JAKUBOWSKY, S. (2017). IDENTIFICATION OF WOOD USING CHROMATICITY CHARACTERISTICS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part B. Industry. Applied Sciences, (3), 105-109. Retrieved from
Химическая технология. Охрана труда
Author Biographies

M. ZILBERGLEIT, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

д-р хим. наук

S. JAKUBOWSKY, Polotsk State University

канд. хим. наук, доц.


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