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The article presents the results of a study on the developing of a multimedia program, through which the process of forming a system of rules that facilitates mastering linguistic-acoustic resources in a simulated computer language environment takes place. The modeling of the language environment is based on the construction of a functional model, that is, a model of communication that the student observes, in which he communicates with native speakers when he learns the language and culture of a country. Naturally, it is impossible to fully reproduce the language environment, but it is important first of all to stimulate oral communication in the studied language in the simulated language learning environment using the learning situations of the foreign language dialogical speech activity, according to which the correct mechanism of thinking and the correct stereotype are built up as a consequence of the role prescription of the speaker’s social position speech behavior, as well as the formation and formation of a person as a person capable of implementing free communication strange language in real time.

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How to Cite
ZDARANOK, Y. (2019). MODELING OF A LANGUAGE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT USING MULTIMEDIA. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part E. Pedagogic Sciences, (15), 31-35. Retrieved from


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