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Health behaviors and lifestyle are concepts that are popular in the sciences of medicine, pedagogy, physical education and sports, they are interconnected with individual and public health. Тo determine the features of the declared health-related behaviours of students at the university, taking into account specialty and gender. A sociological survey was conducted: online test (Catalogue of Healthy Behavior (IZZ) by Z. Yuczynski). 980 students of the University of the region were surveyed (full-time). According to the criteria of health-related behaviours, the indicators differed from standardized norms (with the exception of a positive psychological attitude). The highest IZZ index for student athletes (median 83.0 points), for students in the comparison group - 4 points less (p <0,05). Differences in groups among student-athletes were higher for most of the criteria analyzed. A comparative analysis of health-related behaviours (gender dependence) revealed significant differences in men and women by only one criterion: the girls of the student had perfect nutritional skills). Students-athletes had optimal results for most of the criteria and indicators of IZZ, compared with representatives of other pedagogical specialties. Nutrition skills are the only distinguishable gender criteria among female students. Male student-athletes differed for the better from their peers in terms of health-related behaviours. Female students-athletes - differed in terms of total IZ, nutritional skills and the practical use of preventive knowledge.
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