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The article considers the prerequisites for the formation of a system of public relations in the Republic of Belarus in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The lack of research on genesis and evolution of public relations in Belarus is revealed. The article singles out a set of prerequisites for the emergence of public relations as a type of specialized information and communication activity is. The importance of public opinion in shaping the need for public relations is emphasized. The connection between the important role of public opinion and the developed public sphere was noted. It is proved that as an independent type of activity, different from agitation and propaganda, public relations arise in Belarus in the early 1990s. It is concluded that the history of public relations in Belarus should be considered taking into account the close connection of its evolution with sociopolitical, economic and cultural transformations in the country.

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How to Cite
SIDORSKAYA, I. (2017). PRECONDITIONS FOR FORMING A COMMUNICATION SYSTEM WITH PUBLICITY IN THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part E. Pedagogic Sciences, (15), 122-126. Retrieved from
Author Biography

I. SIDORSKAYA, Faculty of Journalism of the Belarusian State University, Minsk

канд. филос. наук, доц.


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