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The article deals with the Muslim pilgrimages as the most important part of the religious life of Islam. The questions of the origin and development of this phenomenon are analyzed. Numerous examples show the diversity of the Muslim pilgrimage. It has been shown that the activity and heritage of pilgrims are an important material for the study of Islamic culture. The most visited pilgrimage cult objects are selected.

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How to Cite
ZAITSEV, D. (2016). PILGRIMAGE IN ISLAM: ORIGINS, TRADITIONS, FEATURES. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part E. Pedagogic Sciences, (15), 82-86. Retrieved from https://journals.psu.by/pedagogical/article/view/3970
Author Biography

D. ZAITSEV, Belarusian State Academy of Communications, Minsk

канд. филос. наук, доц.


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