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The article considers the pilgrimage in Judaism as an important part of the religious life of the Jews. The questions of the origin and development of this phenomenon are analyzed. Numerous examples show the diversity and importance of pilgrimage in Judaism. It is noted that the activities and heritage of pilgrims are a significant material for studying the culture of this spiritual civilization. The most visited religious objects are singled out: first of all, the Jerusalem Temple, sacred places, burials of the Prophets, graves of the experts of the Law. For millions of Jews, a reverent attitude to the object of worship serves the fulfillment of the will of the Creator. The purpose of the study is to reveal the peculiarities of pilgrimage in Judaism, to show the influence of historical, geographical, cultural factors on their formation. This work can be useful for solving pressing problems of interaction with representatives of the world of Jewish civilization, which significantly influenced the formation and development of Christianity and Islam.

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How to Cite
ZAITSEV, D. (2018). CONVERGENT PARADIGM IN CONTEMPORARY SCIENCE. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part E. Pedagogic Sciences, (7), 115-119. Retrieved from
Author Biography

D. ZAITSEV, Belarusian State Academy of Communications, Minsk

канд. филос. наук, доц.


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