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In this article, the author relies on the reasoning urgency of the problem of self-development, the need to create conditions for a culture of self-knowledge and self-regulation, as well as theoretical achievements of self-development understanding. The objectives of the empirical study, which was conducted at the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy at the “Gomel State University named after Francis Skorina” and among students of Gomel Pedagogical College named after L.S. Vygodskiy where was included identifying the severity of self-identity among students and pupils. Analysis of the results will be used to organize a system of preventive work with identified “risk groups”.

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How to Cite
SELIVANOVA, L. (2015). REQUIREMENT OF SELF-DEVELOPMENT OF PUPILS AND STUDENTS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part E. Pedagogic Sciences, (7), 26-29. Retrieved from
Author Biography

L. SELIVANOVA, Francisk Skorina Gomel State University

канд. пед. наук, доц.


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