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The article studied the development of a systematic approach as the methodology of knowledge. The main positions of the methodology of the system approach in the field of physical education were developed. The algorithm of a systemic approach was developed in the research process of motion activity in the field of physical training of militaries. This algorithm is used during the study of the military-applied physical training as a component of the national security system of the Republic of Belarus. The backbone factors were identified as a component of the national security system of the Republic of Belarus. The relationship between the militaryapplied physical training of the militaries and other components of the national security system of the Republic of Belarus were installed. The provisions whose implementation enables to influence efficient and timely on the system of military-applied physical training were designed, adequate changes in the systems that are at higher hierarchical levels of the national security system of the Republic of Belarus.

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How to Cite
RUDZENIK, V. (2015). SYSTEMATIC APPROACH AS THE METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH IN THE FIELD OF PHYSICAL TRAINING OF MILITARIES. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part E. Pedagogic Sciences, (7), 124-129. Retrieved from
Физическая культура и здоровый образ жизни
Author Biography

V. RUDZENIK, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

канд. пед. наук, доц.


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