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The article discusses the concept of «media-landscape» and «virtual space». Examines the various scientific approaches (P. Bourdieu, M. Foucault, M. Castells) to an understanding of space and its social and cultural dimension. The possibility of applying the concept of «heterotopias» Foucault's to explore the virtual space. The arguments set out the general properties of the media landscape and the virtual space: the continuity and flow. The efficiency of the model «media-landscape» for the understanding of the virtual space. The conclusion that the concept of the «media-landscape» can be used in the context of studies of the virtual space.

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How to Cite
KRIVOLAP, A. (2015). MEDIA-LANDSCAPE AS VISUALIZATION OF VIRTUAL SPACE. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part E. Pedagogic Sciences, (15), 108-111. Retrieved from


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