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The structurally functional model of the organization of a physical recreation of students directed to optimization of their physical activity is presented in article. The model includes the following elements: components of a physical recreation of students (motivational and target, informative and design, activity, productive and estimated); methodological approaches (system, activity and personal focused approaches as standard bases of the organization of a physical recreation of students); technique of the organization of a physical recreation of students; the pedagogical conditions providing efficiency of this process (motivational stimulation of students when forming a positive view of a physical recreation; the personal focused nature of involvement of students to occupations with use of forms and means of a physical recreation; accounting of specific features of students at the organization of a physical recreation; orientation of students to individual independent occupations with use of forms and means of a physical recreation through the analysis and assessment of results of this activity); criteria for evaluation of the received result (dynamics of level of physical health; changes of indicators of physical fitness; formation of components of a physical recreation of students).

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How to Cite
GOROVOI, V. (2018). STRUCTURE AND MAINTENANCE OF MODEL OF THE ORGANIZATION PHYSICAL RECREATION OF STUDENTS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part E. Pedagogic Sciences, (7), 172-180. Retrieved from
Physical Education and Sports
Author Biography

V. GOROVOI, Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after I.P.Shamyakin

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