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In formation on research of the attitude of students colleges of Olympic reserve is given in the article. Who study in the 10 th-11 then year in students took part in the research. The age of the respondents 17-22 years old. The level of sport qualification – from the 1 st adult to Master of sports in the kind of sports chosen. To get information about the attitude of students-sportsmen to the problem of dopping. We used a questionnaire developed by E.A. Tsymbalyuk. The results got showed that all the students-sportsmen know about the problem of doping in sports. For the most students the main source of information is Internet and TV. Almost all the people asked real ire the harm of doping usage but taking doping is considered as a personal business of a sportsman. For most people asked doping is medical influence upon sportsmen by any substances of natural and synthetic origin.

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How to Cite
MALAH, O., & SHMAT Р. (2018). ATTITUDE OF STUDENTS-SPORTSMEN TO THE PROBLEM OF DOPING IN SPORT. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part E. Pedagogic Sciences, (7), 206-211. Retrieved from
Physical Education and Sports
Author Biography

O. MALAH, Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov

канд. биол. наук, доц.


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