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The article is devoted to the evolution of the concept of the public sphere and communicative actions, which offered by Jürgen Habermas. The evolution of philosophical concepts and the possibility of its use as part of cultural studies. Jody Dean is one of the main opponents against this concept in XXI century, who introduced the idea of "informational capitalism" and justified the loss of use of the virtual space as a new online public sphere. In the article is showing available a limited understanding of the concept of the public sphere within the framework of cultural discourse in a attempt to build the information society, if the traditional practice of communication and interaction acquire new meanings and limitations.

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How to Cite
KRIVOLAP, A. (2018). OMMUNICATIVE ACTION IN CONDITIONS OF INFORMATIONAL CAPITALISM. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part E. Pedagogic Sciences, (15), 121-124. Retrieved from


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