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The purpose of the study, is to formulate the concept of "online video advertising " as an object of online marketing, to generalize its types and build a system of performance evaluation indicators. Based on the study of interpretation and content of the definition of "advertising" and its types, presented by different scientific domestic and foreign schools and scientists, the authors derived the definition of "online video advertising" by highlighting the features of advertising, and also presented the typology of video advertising on the Internet based on the proposed classification attributes: the location, technical execution, and task of video advertising. The authors also proposed a system to assess the effectiveness of online video advertising based on two groups of metrics: primary (determined based on the actions of online users) and targeted (aimed at assessing the specific goals of the marketing campaign), which can objectively evaluate the success and productivity of video advertising.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
A. MALEI, Polotsk State University
канд. экон. наук, доц.
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