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The specific features of planning transactions with derivatives in non-financial organizations have been studied, taking into account the current practice and existing recommendations for managing derivatives contracts in the organizations of the non-financial sector of the economy. As a result, it was found that the strategic justification of derivatives usage on the one hand will increase the involvement of senior management in the decision-making process, on the other – will help to identify objective prerequisites for the presence of derivative instruments in the company's activities. Further the results of the strategic analysis were proposed to be used in the development of three functional strategies of derivatives usage: hedging risks, speculative transactions and creating issuer options, each of which involves different goals and tools.

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How to Cite
PANKOV, P. (2020). PLANNING TRANSACTIONS WITH DERIVATIVES IN NON-FINANCIAL ORGANIZATIONS: CURRENT STATE AND DEVELOPMENT. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part D. Economic and Legal Sciences, (13), 64-70. Retrieved from
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