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In this paper, we study the determinants of the effectiveness of mergers and acquisitions, using the example of a deal for Rosneft to buy shares in the TNK-BP oil company. The effectiveness of the M&A transaction assessed using three methods: the event method, the method of analyzing financial, and the method of creating operational synergy. It is concluded that the inconsistency of the analysis indicators obtained when evaluating the transaction by various methods indicates the influence of non-financial factors. In conclusion, questions that could be conducted to answer the question about the impact of non-financial company value factors after an M&A transaction.

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How to Cite
KOSHEVSKY, N. (2020). CHANGE IN OPERATING PERFORMANCE AFTER THE M&A DEAL. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part D. Economic and Legal Sciences, (6), 6-15. Retrieved from
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