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The article analyzes modern trends and peculiarities of marketing communications in professional sports. Special attention is paid to the role of modern information technologies in the marketing system, including in the industry of professional sports. Reviewed the development of the marketing of professional sports in the Republic of Belarus at the present stage. Analyzed marketing activities of professional sports clubs, marked by irrational use of funds allocated for the marketing policy, due to additional costs.

Allocated a number of tasks effectively by using Internet marketing in the professional sports clubs and peculiarities of their promotion. Given the proposal to study the relevance of the paradigm of marketing professional sports organizations on the basis of modern Internet technologies, as a model of sports marketing for optimal functioning and promotion of sports products.

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How to Cite
MATVIENKO, A. (2016). EVOLUTION OF MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS IN THE INDUSTRY OF PROFESSIONAL SPORTS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part D. Economic and Legal Sciences, (13), 47-54. Retrieved from https://journals.psu.by/economics/article/view/4111
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