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The article analyses the theoretical and methodological aspects of the essence of insurance and the development of insurance market. The evolution of the development of the insurance market of the Republic of Belarus and its current state are shown. The systematization of legal acts regulating relations in the field of insurance activity has been carried out. The factors influencing the change in the key indicators of the effectiveness of the insurance market have been identified. Models of the insurance market development have been developed taking into account changes in key indicators of its functioning. Approximation coefficients for key indicators have been calculated. The peculiarities of the functioning of insurers under the influence of sanctions are reflected. The drivers of the development of the insurance market are determined. Recommendations on the formation of the mechanism of functioning of the insurance market in the context of integration processes implementation in the framework of the Union State are given. The article will be of interest to specialists engaged in the study of state regulation problems of the financial sector and insurance activities, state supervision of insurance activities in the development of key regulatory legal acts and a set of measures for the development of insurance. The results of the study can be used when developing a strategy for the development of the national insurance industry and the insurance system in Russia as part of the implementation of Roadmaps on integration issues of insurance markets of the two countries.

Article Details

How to Cite
KARPITSKAYA М. (2023). MODELING THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE INSURANCE MARKET OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part D. Economic and Legal Sciences, (2), 17-26.
Экономические науки
Author Biography

М. KARPITSKAYA, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

канд. экон. наук, доц.


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