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In the article the directions of the realization of marketing policy components of the enterprise through the using of the Internet, which is a modern information system, global means of exchange of information and future business tool, are considered. Components of marketing policy are grouped on the basis of activities that are closely related in the course of its activities. The reasons that necessitated the use of the Internet in the process of doing business in the face of strong its influence on the change the marketing policy of the enterprise are shown. It is concluded that the use of the properties of the network business led to gipermarketinga as the new theory and methodology of organization of the company’s marketing system on the Internet. The features of the implementation of marketing mix components for the product, pricing, distribution and communication policies that determine the competitive position of the company in the market and prospects of its development are analyzed.

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How to Cite
BOYCHUK, I. (2015). CHANGE OF THE MARKETING POLICY COMPONENTS FOR AN ONLINE BUSINESS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part D. Economic and Legal Sciences, (14), 32-38. Retrieved from
Экономика и управление
Author Biography

I. BOYCHUK, Львовская коммерческая академия, Украина

канд. экон. наук, доц.


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