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The technology of constructing a model of the spread of an epidemic using cellular automata is considered. Brief information on the history of the formation of this modeling technology is given. It is indicated that the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet processor is selected as the environment for building the model, and the advantages and disadvantages of this choice are listed. The SIR-model of the spread of the epidemic is described and it is shown how this model is implemented in the MS Excel environment. The results of modeling for various scenarios are considered.

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How to Cite
OSKIN, A., & OSKIN, D. (2021). MODELING AN EPIDEMIC WITH CELLULAR AUTOMATION. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part C. Fundamental Sciences, (4), 29-34. Retrieved from
Информационные технологиии
Author Biography

A. OSKIN, Polotsk State University

канд. техн. наук, доц.


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